Today was a super boring day at first. I did the work of 3 lessons in 1 lesson in culinary. In Geometry I have a lot of people being awfully friendly to me because I’m not a total dummy and know how to apply simplest rules of geometry. Then lunch was fun again with Sharday and her friends. Math Study Hall was quiet but I looked up the results of the Florida election and there was some interesting things. In weightlifting I did deadlifts and I got up to 315 pounds or 140 kg. I wanted to do more but I probably couldn’t and I ran out of time. Gym class was relatively quiet and I just shot some hoops. After school I went to coach the girls weightlifting team. Now there is a second helper, who is kind of fun. At first I thought it was kind of boring but in the end I could help them. Also, we did some jumps to improve „explosion“ for Clean&Jerks. At home I went to my leg workout and it was pretty good plus I was in an empty gym, which was neat. Then I had my protein shake and 5 eggs for supper. Probably a little too much but that’s ok.