Steeler workout and beast feast

Today was quite an eventful day. We made a huge cookie in culinary class. I slept a little during PE. Today was the last Panther Hour and I was with the anime club today. In weightlifting class we did the Steeler workout, which is to warm up and max out on bench. Once you did that you drop 10 pounds of your max and start from there to continuously bench press, while every 5-8 reps two spotters drop 5 pounds of the bar. It was painful and it is more of a killing your chest and arms than a proper repping. By the time I was done I could hardly bench just the bar and even push ups felt like a whole workout. After school I was going to the Beast Feast and all I can say about that is that I ate about 20 lbs of meat. It was really good though, I had some gator, bison, pork etc.