Today I did a lot of weightlfting. I got my report card and the teacher told the whole class about my good grades, which is really embarassing. Every lessons except the last one was ordinary. But in weightlifting, I got my bench max up to 185 and I think i could’ve even done 190 but there was some miscommunication with my spotter. Then I tried to work on my deadlifts and as I approached my current max I already felt, I can definitely do more now, but I’m focusing on proper form. Apparently my form is kind of ok, but if I change it a little I can release a lot of pressure from my lower back and do more weight. By the time I got home, Connie was waiting for me to go to the Y. I had a great leg workout, even though I lowered my squat weights in order to squat down to parallel. I had some steak for dinner.