100 kg, goodbye!

Today was an amazing day all the way. I got up early to meet up with my gym buddy for a workout. I had a little spare time and stretched really good, while also connecting with my former baseball team that was at the gym too. After 2 missed tries on 215 lbs I went for 220 on bench. It was a real struggle, but I got it and I was sooo happy I finally hit 100 kg on my bench press. The rest of the workout was really good too and I had a great time. Afterwards my buddy treated me to a sub. I hung around a little, before my goodbye party at 4. Half of the people coming didn’t bring their swimsuit, which was unfortunate, but anyhow I had a blast. They brought me goodbye presents, which was unexpected, but I was really glad because all of them were amazing. I’m really happy for the friends I made here, because without them my exchange wouldn’t have been the same and I’d probably be back in Germany by now.